[I just saw that this post is number 2,300 on this blog, a mile marker. I hope to do at least that many more.]
I had a “duh” moment this morning. There was an odd comment over at Pogie’s site by “Moorcat,” or Kenny Kailey [7/19, 12:08 PM). It’s laborious, in Kailey fashion, but opens with the words
It wasn’t Craig, Mark, Ingy, or any one of the 10 or so other rightwing trolls that “corrupted”* 4 & 20.
“Troll,” in current usage, is a pejorative that means “I don’t like what you say go away.” It was “rightwing” [sic] that got my attention. I responded, since I was attacked, and Pogie, of course, took down my comment.
Here’s the “duh”: Pogie is deficient in issue politics, and can only see the world as Democratic (good) or Republican (bad), black or white. Kenny has the same affliction. I criticize Democrats, regarding the party as an obstacle to progress. I hold Republicans in less contempt because they can be honest about their beliefs. I am not a Republican, however. But since I cannot be placed in either party, and since Democrats have co-opted the term “liberal” and “progressive,” I must be something else. Grasping about, I must be “right-wing.” “Right-wing” must then mean “something we cannot define but do not like.”
Here’s the key: Pogie’s arrogant censorship is part of his authoritarian mindset (according to Altemeyer’s research). Wulfgar (Rod Kailey) and Moorcat (Kenny), the predator drones, also exhibit authoritarian traits. Almost all authoritarians are right-wingers, but there are a few “wild cards.” These few might adopt surface attitudes that appear progressive, but still exhibit the other traits of the authoritarian: a high degree of submissiveness to established authority; a high level of conventionalism; black-white thinking, and general aggressiveness directed against perceived deviants.
*”Corrupted” here refers to 4&20 Blackbirds becoming progressive blog. Can they be more black/white?